It shows less mosquito data than last year

As can be seen from the data of the “Eco-Development” company, the level of mosquito nuisance this year is 30% compared to the corresponding month of last year.

This year, the level of concern caused by mosquitoes is 30% compared to the corresponding month of last year, this can be seen from the data of the company “Oikoanaptixi”, which has participated in the mosquito control programs of the Region in recent years. Central Macedonia. According to the company’s CEO, Tassos Fotiadis, “the traps collect fewer mosquitoes than last year, when there was heavy rain in the corresponding period.”

However, company president Spyros Mourelatos points out to APE-MPE that the first picture of West Nile virus levels this summer will emerge from the results of blood samples taken from birds in the coming weeks. Data evaluation will take into account concern levels, blood sampling results, weather data, precipitation and factors influencing migratory bird migration.

As for the concern, Mr. Fotiadis clarifies that “The tiger mosquitoes that are currently present in Central Macedonia are very annoying during the day, but fortunately they are not related to this mosquito.” West Nile virus“.

He still characterizes the concern in the rice fields as expected, noting about EODY’s advice to citizens to protect themselves from mosquitoes: “Every public service rightly appeals to take precautions to limit transmission to the population. diseases by mosquitoes. No worries at this point. Because mosquito-borne diseases came from Africa and Asia, they appeared to a lesser extent in European countries. For Greece, scientists and contractors, we are providing reassurance about infectious diseases that may appear for the first time in the country.”

In any case, the ground and aerial mosquito control project in Central Macedonia continues and is being implemented smoothly.

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