After a long heat wave comes a drop in temperature and rains

After 15 consecutive days of heat, meteorologists are predicting a small breath of fresh air today with temperatures dropping significantly across most of the country.

Today, Tuesday, July 23, forecasters are predicting a high of 38 degrees Celsius in the northern mainland and island nation, from the 40s of the last few days, which have even reached 42 degrees in some places. the thermometer will show up to 34-35 degrees

In addition, local rains and occasional storms are expected in the continental and northern Aegean regions. In central and eastern Macedonia, as well as in Thrace, events are likely to be temporarily intense and subside in the evening.

EMY director Thodoris Kolidas reports that today “the north will wake up a little”.

At the same time, it warns of local storms in central and eastern Macedonia and possibly Thrace, and calls for special attention in Halkidiki.

EMY’s weather forecast for today

Weather changes in the continental and northern Aegean with local rains and occasional storms. Events are likely to be temporarily intense, mainly in central, eastern Macedonia and Thrace. Improvement in the evening. In the rest of the island country, the weather is generally clear.

Winds will be 3-5 from the west in the south, 3-5 from the northeast in the remaining areas, and temporarily locally 6-Beaufort in the Aegean.

Temperatures will drop in most areas. The maximum temperature will be 34-36 in the northern continents, 36-38 in the rest of the continents, 33-35 in the island country, and 36-38 locally in the Eastern Aegean and the Twelve Islands.


Weather: In the central and eastern part of Macedonia, some clouds temporarily increased, while in the rest of the regions, local rains and occasional thunderstorms were observed gradually. Events are likely to be temporarily intense, mainly in central, eastern Macedonia and Thrace. Improvement is expected from evening hours.

Winds: Variable 3-4, 4-5 Beaufort in the northeast in Thrace.

Temperature: Between 21 and 36 degrees Celsius. It will be 2-3 degrees lower in Western Macedonia.


Weather: Mostly clear, day and afternoon, the mainland will be partly cloudy with scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms in mainly mountainous areas.

Winds: Variable 3-4 Beaufort and 4-5 Beaufort northwest of Ionia.

Temperature: Between 23 and 35 degrees Celsius. The minimum will be 3-4 degrees lower in Epirus.


Weather conditions: In the afternoon and afternoon, some cloudy weather conditions will prevail, local showers and isolated thunderstorms are expected. An improvement is expected in the afternoon.

Winds: Variable 3-4 Beaufort and locally East North Northeast 4-5 Beaufort.

Temperature: Between 22 and 37 degrees Celsius.


Weather: Mostly clear in Crete with a few temporary clouds.

Winds: West northwest 4-6 Beaufort.

Temperature: 34 between 24 and 33 and 35 degrees Celsius in Crete.


Weather: Open.

Winds: North northwest 4-6 Beaufort.

Temperature: Between 25 and 36 degrees Celsius.


Weather: Cloudy conditions have temporarily increased with local showers and occasional thunderstorms. Improvement is expected from evening hours.

Winds: Variable 3-4 Beaufort and east northeast at the same intensity.

Temperature: between 24 and 37 degrees.


Weather: Clear at first. Cloudy conditions will prevail during the day and during the day, mainly in the mountainous areas, there is a possibility of local showers or isolated thunderstorms.

Winds: North 3 to 4 and East 5 Beaufort.

Temperature: Between 25 and 37 degrees Celsius. It will be 2-3 degrees lower at the seaside.


Weather conditions: it is expected that cloudy weather will prevail, occasional rain and lightning. Improvement is expected from evening hours.

Winds: Variable 3, gusty from south 4 Beaufort in the afternoon and afternoon.

Temperature: between 23 and 35 degrees.


Most areas will initially see clear conditions, except for Halkidiki, Eastern Thessaly and Sporades, where there will be cloud and localized rain. Clouds will increase in the rest of the continent from noon, Macedonia, Thessaly, Sterea and Epirus will experience local rain and occasional thunderstorms. In the evening, the weather conditions will break in most regions.

Winds will be from the north at 3 to 5, with seas at a temporary local 6-Beaufort.

The temperature will drop to 34-36 degrees in the northern continents and their islands, and 36-37 degrees in the rest of the continents.


Clouds have increased over eastern Macedonia, Thrace and gradually central and western Macedonia with local showers and occasional thunderstorms in the afternoon. In the rest of the country, the weather will initially be generally clear, but from the afternoon, clouds will increase in the rest of the mainland, Evia and the northern Aegean, with local rain and occasional storms. Impacts are likely to be severe in Thrace, eastern and central Macedonia. No improvement since evening.

The wind will be from the north 3 to 5, and in seas from 6 Beaufort locally.

Almost the entire country will experience a slight drop in temperature, which will be normal for the season. It will be 33-35 degrees in the northern continents, and 35-37 degrees in the rest of the continents and islands.


Clouds with occasional rain and thunderstorms temporarily increased in central and eastern Macedonia and improved in the evening. In other areas of the country, the weather conditions are mostly clear, but it is expected that temporary cloudiness will increase in the continental areas during the day, and local rain will fall in the east.

Winds will blow from the northwest, 4-6 in Ionia, locally 7-Beaufort, weakening in the evening, 3-5 in the rest of the area, locally 6-Beaufort in the Aegean.

The temperature will not change significantly.


In the afternoon, the weather conditions in the continental regions will be clear and temporarily cloudy, so there is a possibility of local rains in the mountainous areas.

Winds will blow from northerly directions to continental and 3-5 Beaufort in Ionia, initially 4-6 in the Aegean and gradually 7-Beaufort locally.

The air temperature will rise slightly mainly in the north.

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