Salt: Signs you’re consuming too much

Salt is used by all of us every day the kitchen it gives flavor to our food. Our favorite spice contains about 60% chlorine and 40% sodium, which are essential for our body. Sodium is necessary for our nerves and muscles for us to function optimally. Together with chlorine, it helps our body maintain the … Read more

Benefits of summer’s favorite fruit

How many calories and how much water they provide. What nutrients differ in each type. How to choose them. Cantaloupe and watermelon are packed with flavor and valuable nutrients, making them the perfect snack or light meal for hot summer days. Both are naturally low in calories, fat and sodium (salt). On the contrary, they … Read more

Mendoni: We are changing the cultural map of the country

At the “Larissa, the city of the future” conference jointly organized by Larissa municipality, DEVAL and “Elefteria” Journalist Organization in Larissa, Minister of Culture Lina Mendoni touched on the ongoing strategy of Azerbaijan. government, for culture to emerge as a central development force for Thessaly, but also for the greater Greek region and country. Ms. … Read more

Weather: Hot and African dust today

Attica will take center stage, while a hot invasion will also hit Thessaly, central Macedonia, Aetoloakarnania, Boeotia, Phthiotida, Peloponnese, Crete and the Dodecanese. According to meteorologists, the hottest day will be Tuesday, when the mercury in Athens will reach 38 degrees, and in some regions of Greece it may even reach 39-40 degrees locally. Temperatures … Read more

The performance “Ki no….handier(p)tera” took place in the crowded Municipal Art Gallery of Larisa (photo)

On the evening of Saturday, June 1, in the full Municipal Gallery of Larisa-Museum GI Katsigra, the theater group of Larisa Primary School of Education Maria Kitra’s play “And not… accessible(s)” was shown. In “The 13th Call”. The performance enthralled the audience and at the end the actor-educators were greeted with applause. Tula wants to … Read more

Protein: How to Get What You Need for the Day

No matter what diet we choose, protein, and especially its adequate intake, is something we usually worry about. It is important for us as it provides macronutrients energy in addition to being fuel for the growth and repair of tissues and organs, it helps create hormones and enzymes in our body. Protein is made up … Read more

Spain: 2023 second warmest year on record after 2022

The 2023 it was for him Spain the second warmest year on record (since records are kept) shortly after 2022, the National Meteorological Service (Aemet) announced today. The average annual temperature reached their 2023 15.2 degrees Celsius (1.2 degrees above normal), 44 days of absolute heat records were recorded during this year. Ruben del CampoAn … Read more

Weather: June is hot with high temperatures

Open air is planned for today weather it is likely to be temporarily cloudy in the country and only in the afternoon in the northern mainland areas, and some rain in the mountainous areas. The air temperature will rise to 32-33 degrees on the mainland, 34 degrees in the east, 27-29 degrees in island regions, … Read more