Greenwashing: Consumers fall prey to misinformation

A study by the Economic and Social Research Institute of Ireland (ESRI) in partnership with Trinity College Dublin has revealed an orgy of advertising fraud and false environmental claims that misrepresent a product or company’s climate suitability. The victims of this systemic deception are consumers and, of course, the environment itself and the planet. The … Read more

Konstantinos Markoulakis and “Mr. Lee’s Lover” in Piraeus 260

Athens Festival presents a sensational solo performance by Konstantinos Markoulakis by leading Belgian director Guy Cashiers. After the demonstrations in Thessaloniki sold out”Mr. Lin’s girlfriend”, based on the famous novel by Philippe Claudel, comes to Athens for the first time and is presented from June 21 at Piraeus Hall 260 H and for 6 performances … Read more

Geroulanos: Allocating monuments globally, nationally and locally with a proportional distribution of resources

Pavlos Geroulanos, Member of Parliament for Athens 1 from PASOK – KINAL, proposed the separation of Greece’s monuments on a global, national and local scale with a proportional distribution of resources by the central state or local government. 12th Regional Development Congress in Patras. He also suggested that landmarks should be classified according to their … Read more

The magic of one day booksellers and small bookstores

This year’s Little Bookstores Week, which takes place all over Greece ( from 27/5 to 1/6), culminates with the “Bookseller and Bookseller for a Day” promotion. In the small Mihistoria bookstore in East Thessaloniki, two of his dear friends, scholars Miltiadis Polyviou and Phaidon Hatziantoniou, who have an important public presence and research in our … Read more

What life risks peak at night (education)

Disturbed sleep can seriously impair rational thinking, which can lead to impulsive behavior The early morning hours may be the most dangerous for someone on the verge of suicide or homicide, according to a new study. Researchers report that those awake between 2 and 3 a.m. are five times more likely to commit suicide and … Read more

Which foods reduce the risk of developing by 28%

They are rich in flavonoids – phytochemicals that are naturally present in many fruits and vegetables. British scientists report that eating foods rich in flavonoids can significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes. In their study, they found that those who consume daily foods such as tea and apples can reduce this risk by up … Read more