Autoimmune: New study reveals what puts women’s health at risk

The basic principles of balanced nutrition are now known to all of us. Although we know very well that some eating habits are harmful to us, it is often difficult for us to change them. One of them is the consumption of highly processed foods full of artificial sweeteners and preservatives. The foods in question are related with health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. A new study recently linked them to autoimmune diseases that afflict women.

Specifically, the findings revealed that women who consumed large amounts of highly processed foods were 56% more likely to develop Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks its own organs and tissues.

The chronic inflammation caused by lupus can affect many body systems, including:

  • Joints
  • Leather
  • Ships
  • Blood cells
  • Internal organs: brain, nervous system, heart and lungs

Research has shown that 1 in 1,000 people in the UK have lupus and 90% of patients are women.

Although the causes of the disease are not fully understood, in the past it has been linked to viral infections, certain medications, sunlight and menopause.

What scientists say

“Highly processed foods may be a risk factor for lupus, but there may be more important factors associated with eating them,” the researchers said.

“Other diseases are more common in people who consume harmful fats and sugar. They are already less healthy, and this group may be one of the reasons why women develop the disease,” they added.

What are highly processed foods?

Some common highly processed products are carbonated soft drinks, sweet or salty packaged snacks, various confections, mass-produced pastries, cookies, yogurt dough, cakes and cake mixes, margarine and other spreads, sugary breakfast cereals, fruit yogurt desserts , energy drinks, ready meals, ready burgers and other dehydrated meat products, ready soup powders, etc.

How do we avoid them?

  • We limit fast food, ready snacks and delivery.
  • We cook at home. Foods like bread, sauces, ice cream, chips and mustard can be made very easily from simple, clean ingredients, provided we spend a little more time preparing them.
  • We reduce the availability of snacks and ready meals at home and increase the availability of healthy snacks such as fruits, nuts and vegetables.

Why do autoimmune diseases favor women?

Autoimmune diseases affect women more most likely their hormones, especially during their reproductive years.

Scientists note that — especially in some cases — people who already have one autoimmune disease are more likely to develop another disease than people who don’t. However, this applies to specific autoimmune diseases such as rheumatic and endocrine diseases.

As for the wolf, according to another study Published in the academic journal Cell, Stanford University researchers suggest that a molecule found only in women may be responsible for this difference between the two sexes.

In addition to the biological, pathological, and environmental factors that cause and/or contribute to both the development and maintenance of autoimmune diseases, stress and a person’s general mental disorder may be factors should be seriously considered both by the attending physician and the patient himself.

The new Harvard study was published in the medical journal Arthritis Care And Research.

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