Heat stroke: how to prevent the risk

With temperatures in the red, transports due to heat exhaustion and heatstroke are now the order of the day for EMS. With temperatures in the “red” and even extended periods, daily transports due to heat exhaustion and heat stroke are now commonplace for EMS. The same situation prevails in Cyprus, where two National Guardsmen of … Read more

Faster metabolism in 7 moves

Clockwork Metabolism – 7 Golden Tips for Tuning Dietitian Dimitris Dellis, expert in metabolic diseases and type 2 diabetes, founder of the Basic Insulin Diet and author of the book of the same name, reveals tricks to increase burning: Salads are a secret nutrient in your hand. Invest in them because they offer satiety and … Read more

How refreshing an ice cold beer is in the heat

What does research show about beer and body hydration? When it’s too hot, a cold beer is often the best thing? But is it so? What does science say? If it’s just one, a cold beer won’t hurt you. In several studies, researchers had people exercise until they warmed up and then compared how they … Read more

Diet: Reduces the risk of stroke

The benefits of plant foods for the proper functioning of the body are many and well known. Now, new science shows that a healthy, plant-based diet reduces the risk of stroke by 10% compared to low-quality diets. The new findings are published in the journal Neurology It is consistent with previous research indicating that a … Read more

Sleepless nights? Try evening gymnastics

A New Zealand study debunks myths about “spoiling” physical activity before bed. It is probably a tool that can only have a relative effect.”tropical nights“, whose temperature never drops below 20 degrees, caused by the Charon anticyclone in Italy for at least ten days (even if the meteorologists of iLMeteo.it finally announced A temporary drop … Read more

How can we distinguish age spots from sun spots?

Knowing the difference between sun spots and age spots can help us decide when to seek professional advice. When freckles (brown spots) appear on the skin, especially after a certain age, many people think that it is caused by the sun and is dangerous for cancer, or simply due to age. But how are sun … Read more

Thinking of cutting out meat? First, ask your genes

According to the researchers, genes play an important role in whether a person responds well to a vegetarian diet Thinking of giving up meat and becoming a vegetarian or vegan? Your heart says yes, but your genes don’t, according to a new study. According to the researchers, genes play an important role in whether a … Read more