Vegetables: Which ones to cook?

Cooking softens foods such as meat, vegetables, and grains so they are easier to eat. It also helps us digest without expending huge amounts of energy. We often hear about certain foods that cooking kills vitamins and minerals, but raw vegetables aren’t always the healthiest, and below we’ll see which foods are best cooked. 7 … Read more

I would suggest that you consult the professors you call upon to teach social policy

Marios Themistokleous responded to what SYRIZA PS President Stefanos Kasselakis said about the public health system of Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis in his previous position. Deputy Health Minister Marios Themistokleous responded to what SYRIZA PS President Stefanos Kasselakis said earlier about Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis’ statements regarding the public health system. It all started with … Read more

Carrots or peas? Which vegetable is more useful?

Eating vegetables is definitely good. One of the most famous “pairs” of Greek cuisine is peas with potatoes and carrots. Food vegetables it will definitely be good. One of the most famous “pairs” of Greek cuisine is peas with potatoes and carrots. But which of these two vegetables is more useful for our health? According … Read more

A chronic disease that most of the athletes participating in the Olympics suffer from

Impressive fact about the health of athletes who compete in the Olympic Games and amaze the planet with their achievements, research reveals An impressive fact about the health of athletes competing in the Olympic Games amazes the planet with their achievements, reveals a 2023 study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in … Read more

Processed red meat may increase the risk of dementia

Previously, processed red meat had been shown to increase the risk of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes According to a large study that followed more than 100,000 people for four decades, processed red meat may be a major risk factor for dementia. In the past, processed red meat has been shown to increase … Read more