One in 10 people worldwide gets sick from contaminated food

National food safety emergency response plans and enhanced surveillance are essential for incident management. Food safety is a precious commodity for people. This is directly related to its health and quality of life and is the result of continuous efforts on a global scale to eliminate risk factors related to its provision. foods. THE World … Read more

Experts say energy drinks may be linked to heart attacks

The results of a new study. What substances in their composition are thought to be harmful to the heart? US scientists report that energy drinks may be linked to heart attacks because they contain high amounts of caffeine and other stimulants that can be dangerous for some people. Scientists looked at data from 144 patients … Read more

A valuable ally in the fight against Alzheimer’s (research)

Pomegranate contains a substance that helps stimulate memory and restore brain activity The link between diet and dementia is now taken for granted, and now researchers from the University of Copenhagen and the US National Institute on Aging have found that pomegranates, strawberries and walnuts can help improve memory in patients with Alzheimer’s. These foods … Read more

Nutrition: Which ingredient can reduce aggression?

An unhealthy diet is associated with aggressive-antisocial behavior and low mood. hygiene which is considered useful at all levels. In fact, new research has revealed that, in the context of a balanced diet, there is an ingredient that can have a calming effect on possible violent manifestations, making us feel higher and calmer. In particular, … Read more

Delicious, versatile and beneficial on many levels

Rich in nutrients, very low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats and fiber, avocados are a valuable health ally. Ripe avocados are great with toasted bread and eggs, in salads and burgers, or just plain with a little salt. They are also very healthy. Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health Professor of Nutrition … Read more

The best and worst foods, according to experts

Frozen foods are tempting, but they only provide temporary relief. Which ones are preferred? If you want to effectively fight the intense heat that has just started in our country, pay attention to what you eat and drink. A diet should hydrate you and provide you with the energy you need to regulate your body … Read more

What it is and how it can benefit your diet

What is carb cycling and how can it help your diet, especially for athletes. The carbohydrates they are an important and everyday part of our diet and although they are mostly ‘misunderstood’, they can also have many benefits. A carb cycling diet is a way to control the amount of carbohydrates we eat each day. … Read more

Which one is more nutritious and which one should you choose?

Frozen vegetables retain nutrients at lower temperatures and last longer before spoiling. Fresh vegetables are definitely an important source food items, with its many benefits for human health. However, many have questioned whether frozen vegetables have fewer nutrients and are worth buying. Frozen vegetables usually cheaper than new and they are easier to cook or … Read more

The 10 healthiest foods in the world

You’ve decided to eat healthier, ditched all the processed foods, even emptied the cupboard of chocolates and cookies you need, and come back from the supermarket with bags full of only healthy foods, spaghetti and rice. grain mill, vegetables and fruits. Lots of fruit, because what in the world is healthier than fruit? A lot! … Read more