Salt: Signs you’re consuming too much

Salt is used by all of us every day the kitchen it gives flavor to our food. Our favorite spice contains about 60% chlorine and 40% sodium, which are essential for our body. Sodium is necessary for our nerves and muscles for us to function optimally. Together with chlorine, it helps our body maintain the … Read more

Benefits of summer’s favorite fruit

How many calories and how much water they provide. What nutrients differ in each type. How to choose them. Cantaloupe and watermelon are packed with flavor and valuable nutrients, making them the perfect snack or light meal for hot summer days. Both are naturally low in calories, fat and sodium (salt). On the contrary, they … Read more

Protein: How to Get What You Need for the Day

No matter what diet we choose, protein, and especially its adequate intake, is something we usually worry about. It is important for us as it provides macronutrients energy in addition to being fuel for the growth and repair of tissues and organs, it helps create hormones and enzymes in our body. Protein is made up … Read more

Which foods reduce the risk of developing by 28%

They are rich in flavonoids – phytochemicals that are naturally present in many fruits and vegetables. British scientists report that eating foods rich in flavonoids can significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes. In their study, they found that those who consume daily foods such as tea and apples can reduce this risk by up … Read more

Nutrition and hormones: How do they affect?

Let’s start from the beginning: Hormones and diet. Nutrition and hormones. How “close” is their relationship? (It will remain with us until we finish reading: A lot!). The relationship between hormones and nutrition has been a concern of the scientific community for many years. Some hormones have even been specifically studied for their effects on … Read more

How important is slow eating

If you live a fast-paced day-to-day life and struggle to fit everything in during the day, chances are you steal some time between your responsibilities so you can cook. Maybe it’s a five-minute break from work where you unwrap yesterday’s half-baked burger or the banana you snacked on in the car after the gym. However, … Read more

Green tea: What disease does it protect us from?

Along with the most popular superfoods like ginger, kefir and turmeric, we now also find matcha, a type of green tea in powder form. smoothies beverages, even in baked goods. Matcha tea originated in Japan about a thousand years ago. Belongs to the same family green tea – both green tea and matcha come from … Read more

What peanut butter offers from infancy

Study results in adolescent children that researchers have followed since infancy. Children who eat soft peanut butter or other smooth peanut products from infancy to preschool age have a reduced risk of developing peanut allergies, British scientists report. In their research, they found that the risk of this allergy can be reduced by 71% in … Read more