Chemical recycling: Solving the plastic problem, but with many problems

The plastics industry demonstrates its technology chemical recycling As a new great hope in the fight against the pollution crisis plastic. But the indicators of processing enterprises operating today are far from the targets. When plastic is thrown away, it’s most likely destined for landfill, incineration, or simply being dumped into the environment. Only 9% … Read more

Indonesia: Ibu Volcano Erupts Ash three miles high

Columns of dense gray ash that reached three miles into the sky erupted from Mount Ibu. Indonesia when the volcano erupted early Tuesday morning. The eruption of the volcano on the island of East Halmahera started at 5:36 am. about two minutes, said PVMB agency official Heruningtyas Desi Purnamasari. All activities within a seven kilometer … Read more


BARBA STATHIS is among the leading group of companies “MOST SUSTAINABLE COMPANIES IN GREECE 2024” based on the “ESG Index in Greece” sustainable development index, distinguished by its high indicators in the application of the principles of sustainable development and responsible entrepreneurship. This high distinction of the company is the culmination of its commitment and … Read more

Spain: 2023 second warmest year on record after 2022

The 2023 it was for him Spain the second warmest year on record (since records are kept) shortly after 2022, the National Meteorological Service (Aemet) announced today. The average annual temperature reached their 2023 15.2 degrees Celsius (1.2 degrees above normal), 44 days of absolute heat records were recorded during this year. Ruben del CampoAn … Read more

Greenwashing: Consumers fall prey to misinformation

A study by the Economic and Social Research Institute of Ireland (ESRI) in partnership with Trinity College Dublin has revealed an orgy of advertising fraud and false environmental claims that misrepresent a product or company’s climate suitability. The victims of this systemic deception are consumers and, of course, the environment itself and the planet. The … Read more

Finland: Problem with rising temperature ten degrees above normal average

THE Finland The Institute of Meteorology set a new record in May by recording 15 “extraordinary” days when temperatures exceeded the country’s official heatwave threshold. The air temperature in the country exceeded 25 degrees for 15 days. The previous record in Finland was set in 2018, when thermometers showed temperatures of more than 25 degrees … Read more