Clean Eating: What Does the Science Show About It?

The clean eating trend has become a hot topic on social media, magazines, bloggers and influencers. It is considered a habit and diet management method that helps in weight loss, increased energy and glowing skin. Is it really a healthy lifestyle or dangerous?

Clean food is supported in choosing natural foods and avoiding processed or refined foods with lots of preservatives and additives. This is generally contane a healthy eating attitude consisting of more fruits and vegetables, lean or less meat, fish, legumes, high-quality proteins and good fats.

But it can completely exclude restrictive conditions sugar the himself and dairy products can cause various problems and affect people’s mental health.

In addition, scientists claim that strictly “clean eating” can cause or worsen eating disorders.

Research results

A to learn A study published in the journal Nutrients examined clean eating perceptions among teenagers and young adults in the United States.

70.8% of the respondents said that clean eating is healthy. In contrast, 18% identified both positive and negative aspects, suggesting the possibility of causing eating disorders.

One more to learn It focused on a sample of 762 Australian women aged 17-55. The results showed that women who followed nutritional advice from the Internet and clean eating pages had increased feelings of restriction and obsession with their diets.

On the other hand, research A study published in the Journal of Eating Disorders found that college students in the US viewed clean eating as a positive thing, even if it caused emotional distress.

Are there any real benefits?

The truth is, there is no scientific research linking “clean eating” to health benefits.

However, one to learn According to a study published in The BMJ, eating even 10% more ultra-processed foods (such as processed meat products, salty snacks and frozen meals) increases the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and cardiovascular disease by at least 10%.

What could be the risks?

The obsession with clean eating no good neither mind nor body.

It is important to have balanced eating habits and include a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods.

Remember that you can enjoy anything, as long as you do it in moderation, including, of course, maintaining an active lifestyle. Prevents many diseases.

According to the National Eating Disorders Association, binge eating can increase your risk of binge eating orthorexia obsessively avoiding “unhealthy” foods.

At this point, it is important to note that there is a difference between orthorexia and dietary restrictions. The disease is associated with obsessive thoughts about eating habits.

In conclusion, a diet that contains almost all nutrients and meets the unique needs of each organism is the ideal choice.

If you have doubts and doubts about how to deal with nutrition, it is best to talk to a nutritionist who will guide you based on the needs of your body and character.

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