Forecasts for “hot” August – Zougla

The intense heat that we experienced in the second decade of July and will last until the end of the month will continue in a similar way in August. According to meteorologists, high temperatures will continue until mid-August and will even be much higher than normal for the season.

More specifically, August is expected to be warmer than normal in the GD of Europe (including Greece), based on long-term forecasts issued in July.

As shown in the chart below, under 95% of the available scenarios, August average temperatures will be above normal for the season (reference period: 1993-2016). More precisely, the most likely scenarios are to note deviations of the order of 1-2 °C (45%) and 0-1 °C (36%). There is a 14% chance that the average temperature will deviate by more than 2 °C.

This prediction is based on generality 300 possible scenarios from the following forecast centers: ECMWF (Europe), UKMO (United Kingdom), Meteo-France (France), JMA (Japan), NCEP (USA) and CMCC (Italy), a commission provided by the European Copernicus Climate Change Service.

It is emphasized that it is characterized by long-term forecasts great uncertainty and aims to evaluate it trend in monthly and seasonal evolution of mean weather conditions. As a result of the influence of all types of weather systems, temperature variations on a daily and local basis can differ significantly from the average variation over a larger area over one or more months.

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