Goletta dei Laghi, Garda near Brescia, 5 out of 6 polluted spots

Legambiente’s Goletta dei Laghi has completed its annual survey tour of Lake Garda and, as is tradition, the results are not the best.

Of the 12 sampled points, three of the six estuaries on the Veronese side of Garda (Marra, Bosca and Rielo) and five of the six on the Brescia side were highly polluted: the mouth of the canal at the beach of Rive a Salò, the mouth of the river at the port of Padenghe, the mouth of the Rio Lefa in the Roina area of ​​Toscolano Maderno, the mouth of the San Francesco Oasis in Desenzano the mouth of the river and the mouth of the river in the area of ​​Santa Maria di Lugana in Sirmione.

If we compare these data with a year ago, 5 out of 6 points worsen in the Brescia region. Only one of the six Brescia samples was found to remain within the legal limits for two parameters of escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci in the same municipality: the sample taken at the mouth of the Toscolano river.

“Lake Garda has a very high anthropic pressure due to extreme overbuilding and the 9 million tourists who flock to the beaches of the Lombardy coast alone every season – this was the comment of Elena Ferrario, Vice President of Legambiente Lombardia – A situation that attracts maximum attention. should be paid for the quality of the water.”

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