What a review of studies has shown about the risk of infection during air travel.
Risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 aircraft during commercial flightsthis is a reality, and that’s why scientists recommend being especially careful with summer trips, especially this summer, which is thickened due to the COVID-19 epidemic and tourist movements.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 occurs in environments with closed spaces and minimal distancescharacteristic of both aircraft cabins.
In a recently published research study international scientific journal* The number of occupants in an indoor environment where aerosol particles can move, the time they spend indoors, and mechanical ventilation have been shown to be determinants for SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the COVID-19 pandemic. .
Sometimes, transmission of SARS-CoV-2 occurs on airplanes even though the airplane’s filters and airflow are safe.
Contagion is more likely during long-hour flights on airplanes
A systematic review and analysis of articles published between January 24, 2020, and April 20, 2021, prior to vaccine availability, was conducted.
From the 15 articles selected for comprehensive review, a total of 50 flights were analyzed based on flight duration – short (<3 saat), orta (3-6 saat) və ya uzun uçuşlar (>6 hours).
In this study, it was found that on average infection rate related to flight duration when mask use is not required. This ratio is higher on long-haul flights than on short-haul flights.
Specifically, compared to short unmasked flights, medium and long unmasked flights were associated Disease indicators increased by 4.66 times and 25.93 times, respectively.
No transmission was recorded on long flights with mandatory mask use.
It was also found that when coverage was not applied, it was associated with each additional flight time A 1.53-fold increase in transmission rate (i.e. 50 percent higher probability).
It is possible that short flights are safer because exposure to aerosol particles is shorter. Another important point is that it is often on short flights no food resulting in fewer aerosol particles and droplets. Interestingly, according to the results of the study, the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 on the plane was significantly reduced by the use of the mask.
Short flights and food service on planes
On long-haul flights where masks are mandatory and meals are provided, no cases have been reported acquisition of the virus via aircraft during contact tracing and tracing. Mandatory cover may encourage passengers to eat as quickly as possible on these long flights.
Strong evidence suggests that indoor transmission is responsible for the majority of cases of COVID-19 outbreaks, and consistent with this fact, guidelines for face masks before mass embolizationhas been essential in controlling the spread of COVID-19 through lockdowns or social distancing.
Time spent indoors can also be significant. Aerosol particles containing infectious viruses can be released and collected in poorly ventilated indoor spaces.
This has implications for public health: as asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals When breathing and talking can release thousands of aerosol particles with different viruses, the reduction of transmission and SARS-CoV-2 occurs when airborne transmission (for example, through a mask) is reduced when indoors.
* The results of the study are presented by the Pathologist, Professor of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine of the Treatment Clinic (Alexandra Hospital) of the EKPA Medical Faculty. Theodora Psaltopoulou and Biologist Panagiota Zacharakis.