How can we distinguish age spots from sun spots?

Knowing the difference between sun spots and age spots can help us decide when to seek professional advice.

When freckles (brown spots) appear on the skin, especially after a certain age, many people think that it is caused by the sun and is dangerous for cancer, or simply due to age.

But how are sun spots different from age spots?

Knowing the difference between sun spots and age spots can help us decide when to seek professional advice, according to Dr. Tony Gole.

Both types of spots appear on areas that get a lot of sun exposure, such as the face, arms, and shoulders.

Age freaks

Age spots range from pink to light or dark brown. These spots are larger than freckles and are usually oval in shape. Often several appear together. It should be noted that age spots may be unsightly, but they are harmless.

Shields from the sun

Sun-induced papules, also called “radial keratoses or hyperkeratoses,” come in a variety of colors. The main difference between harmless age spots and solar (radial) hyperkeratosis is the texture. Age spots are smooth and flat, but potentially dangerous actinic hyperkeratosis is usually rougher (scaly) or scaly (scaly).

Actinic hyperkeratoses can turn into skin cancer, so it is very important that you show them to your doctor. If you suspect any changes in your skin, you should also note it.

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