It’s the perfect way to cut it right and enjoy its nutritional value

Cleaning avocado – like pineapple and pomegranate – needs its own way.

this the best trick for slicing an avocado into quarters remove the stone and peel it. Then you can enjoy it in a nice refreshing dip guacamole.

Fortunately, there is a better way from the classic cleaning of the skin, to cut the avocado correctly, especially often it can be very ripe, so that it cannot be easily cut geometrically.

The method we present to you makes it easier to uniformly peel the outer skin of the avocado.

What will you need?

  • Ripe avocado
  • A sharp kitchen knife


Step 1: Cut the avocado into quarters

Cut a ripe avocado from the stem all the way down to the pit. Repeat on the other side to cut a quarter of the avocado.

Step 2: Cut the avocado in half

Cut the avocado in half and cut in half.

Step 3: Remove the pit from the avocado

Remove the rice. Although traditional methods remove it with a sharp knife, we have discovered that this method is safer.

Step 4: Peel the avocado

As soon as you peel the banana, peel it. If the avocado is ripe, the skin should come off easily.

An avocado a day keeps the doctor away…

The above method makes it easy to eat an avocado every day. After all, the nutritional value of avocado is so high that it has proven to have many beneficial health benefits when consumed regularly.

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