Jean Paul Gaultier, artistic director of an animated film about the world of fashion

News cartoonby Jean Paul Gaultier will be released in 2027 as an art director.

The unnamed project was unveiled last week Annecy International Animation Festival along with some character sketches. Spanish actress Rosie De Palma was the inspiration for one of the main characters.

Franco-Belgian studio nWave Studios and production company Octopolis collaborate with a legendary designer in a film that promises to be a unique blend of fashion, art and storytelling.

The play is based on an original concept by screenwriter Emily Fress, which stems from her own experiences growing up with her parents and relatives in the fashion industry.

The fairy tale-style story revolves around a fashion moth (moth) who escapes from a village shop run by a former model named Kiki and heads to Paris with aspirations of pursuing a career in high fashion.

“He’s pretty desperate because all he has around him are dirty moths that eat old sweaters all day,” the author explained, according to Deadline.

“She loves to dress up and spends her days flipping through old issues of Vogue. One day, a young stylist walks in the door, and she leaves with him to have incredible adventures in Paris,” he added.

Director and writer Benoit Philippe will direct the film.

The designer said that this idea came to him accidentally. “I’m very happy, I’m flattered… I never expected to be offered such an experience, I have to retire,” he said.

Filippon emphasized that the characters and the story will deal with issues of diversity and marginalization that are close to Jean-Paul Gaultier’s heart.

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