Mura, the protagonist of the CULT-Cura Festival Mauro Garofalo’s

Mura. July 27, Saturday, 8.45 p.m., at the Mura Sports Center (Brescia), near the recently restored Pieve, the third case of the third edition CULT-Cura Festival with what writer and journalist Mauro Garofalo brought his book “The Last Forest”. in dialogue with director Nunzia Vallini Brescia newspaper and Teletutto. It will also be an opportunity to listen to excerpts from the audiobook of the same name produced by Il Narratore and to present the author’s latest book, Il Mago dell’Aria, published by Mondadori on July 10. .

Before the meeting, a nature excursion will be held starting at 17.30, suitable for everyone, edited by di Oggigita, in which the author will also participate, to discover the scenic beauty of the territory of the municipality of Valsabbia, which dominates Savallese. At the end, there will be an opportunity to refresh at the Moore oratorio.
Since participation in the excursion is free, admission is free and an appointment will be made even in bad weather.

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