Swimming with plastics

For most people, the Mediterranean Sea is an ideal vacation spot. Images associated with this destination are clear blue waters, endless beaches, and charming locations. Unfortunately, thanks to him, things are no longer like that plastic pollution. In particular, according to a study by the Greek environmental organization WWF, 570,000 tons of plastic end up … Read more

Thinking too much can give us headaches

People who complain that a difficult problem that requires a lot of thinking and thinking gives them a headache are not exaggerating. People who complain that a difficult problem that requires a lot of thinking and thinking gives them a headache may not be exaggerating, according to a new study. Mental effort is often associated … Read more

Stella Konitopoulou and Vasiliki Karakosta at the 6th Delphi Festival

A selected anthology of folk songs of Love, Marriage, Homeland, Sea and Sailors The musical meeting of Stella Konitopoulos with Vasiliki Karakosta on the musical stage of traditional song will be premiered at the 6th Delphi Festival “To Lalon Ydor” starting from Eratini on Tuesday, August 6, 21:15 with free admission. THE Stella KonitopoulosThe leading … Read more

How a summer salad can help you lose weight

Tomato and cucumber salads can help you lose weight by satisfying hunger without too many calories He is one of the stars of the summer. Cucumber tomato, as we call tomato-cucumber combo everyday, with or without other ingredients, can be rich in important nutrients like potassium and vitamin C, and can help you lose weight … Read more

A bug from China ‘struck’ Athens’ mulberry trees – Response plan

The mulberry trees of Athens were attacked by a beetle called Xylotrechus chinensis. Demon Due to insufficient control, the last years have been destroying the “silkworm”. It is a wood-eating insect (Xylotrechus chinensis), which causes serious damage to the trunk and branches of trees, and may even cause their death. Athens Municipality implemented a plan … Read more

Warm: Fats and proteins are better than fruit to restore energy

Advice from nutrition consultant Paolo Bianchini: avoid sugary foods and drinks When we lose heat energy, what is good to eat? Seasonal fruit? Or olives, eggs and meat seasoned with butter and salt? The question is deliberately tricky, because instinctively most will focus on herbal products. Especially those that contain more sugar, starting with cherries, … Read more

Pygmalion Dadakaridis: Brings the Oscar-winning “Whale” to the theater

The play will premiere on October 16 at the Neos Akadimos theater With Samuel De Hunter’s 2022 film adaptation of the three-Oscar-winning riveting play The Whale, Pygmalionas Dadakaridis returns to the theater and, in fact, the dual role of director and protagonist. Will play Premiere at Neos Akadimos theater on October 16. Originally written for … Read more

Sunny but rainy weather today

In general, the weather will be clear today, Tuesday. Cloudy conditions will prevail in the continental regions in the afternoon and in the afternoon, there is a possibility that there will be local torrential rains and separate thunderstorms mainly in the mountainous areas. The wind will blow from the north, it will be 3-4 in … Read more