“Silent” symptoms that betray its presence

What a mental health professional says. What are the symptoms that go unnoticed for a long time? There are many signs of stress and some are so invisible that we are easily distracted. However, recognizing them is important for maintaining mental health, says an expert from the US. The obvious signs of stress are well … Read more

Mediterranean sends SOS – Experts warn of risk of water shortage

The scientific community is sounding the alarm about the conditions lack of water and drought Mediterrian sea. The continuous increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation are the main reason for the concern of scientists about the availability of water resources. “We will adapt to the temperature. Where we can’t adapt is water” Areas that … Read more

What is smart eating and how does it help you?

The answer to the question of whether and to what extent there are positive emotions in relation to food is probably a resounding yes. But how close is it to today’s reality? How well do we know how to enjoy food and how the food we consume affects our body and psyche? Usually we will … Read more

Severe or severe weather is expected along the Illinois

Thursday morning started out bright and sunny for most parts, but storms and showers were on the way, the NBC 5 Storm Team said, along with the possibility of severe weather. According to NBC 5 meteorologist Alicia Roman, clouds were expected to increase in the afternoon. A few scattered thunderstorms are expected in some places … Read more

5 Health benefits

THE to keep fast Fasting is a period of seven weeks starting Green Monday and ends with Holy week. Allowed during this period consumption vegetables, fruits, legumes rich in vitamins (A, C, E), folic acid, trace elements, antioxidants and fiber. For this reason, scientists say that it can be a protective shield against cardiovascular diseases … Read more

The unknown is known for its many health benefits

Where the “modest” heroes of spring help Succulent, fragrant, and a vibrant deep yellow or orange color, loquats are in full bloom from late April to mid-June. This is the time when we find them abundantly in the local market, grocery stores, yards and sidewalks, even in Athens! But what we don’t know is that, … Read more

Krinio Nikolaou: Rocket Musician

The performer and composer Krinio Nikolaou was born in Athens and has two brothers. He studied music, plays piano and guitar. Ms. Nikolaou, when did your love for Music in general and Singing in particular begin? “From a very young age, at the insistence of my father, who enrolled me at the Athens Conservatory at … Read more

Mendoni: School of Stone and Traditional Building Forms established

Lina Mendoni, Minister of Culture, attended an event on Saturday in the community of Pentalofos, Kozani, regarding the establishment of the “School of Stone and Traditional Building Forms”. The art of Zoupani in the artisan villages of the Municipality of Voios refers to the living collective memory, songs, stories, narratives and cultural events of the … Read more

Pleasure: Why do we overload?

While enjoyment is a key element of a happy and healthy daily life, there are many times when we spontaneously… overdo it. But have you ever wondered where this behavior comes from? While some may automatically think of discipline or the absence of boundaries, scientists suggest something quite different. For example, if you are busy … Read more