Zoe Kollia in the visual exhibition “Oculi Inquisitivi

24 artists from Greece and abroad presented the exhibition at Luminous Eye Gallery in collaboration with ARTgrID and curated by Paris Capralou. Zoe Kollia, who married Greek and American icons (Zoekyko) creates a narrative through his works without direct reference to simple reality. THE Zoe Collia Born in Athens in 1992, she is the mother … Read more

The architecture of Alexandros Topazis and his indelible mark on public space

With its own architecture Alexandros Topazis, left an indelible mark on the public space. From his holy temple of the Holy Trinity in Fatima, Portugal, to the expansion and modernization of the Delphi archaeological museum. From the technologically innovative “Difros” residential complex in Chalandri to innovative office buildings with glass facades… Emphasize bioclimatic design, and … Read more

Nosferatu: The first trailer for Robert Eggers’ film takes your breath away

The new horror film will be released in theaters on December 25, 2024 This is finally a fact! The first trailer of the highly anticipated 2024 horror film “Nosferaatu”, of Robert EggersIt was released in American theaters and luckily we didn’t have to wait long enough to see it. «Yes, it’s a scary movie. This … Read more

The price of the climate crisis is unpredictable

William Nordhaus, who would later win the Nobel Prize in Economics, introduced a “damage function”—an estimate of the damage caused by an additional unit of growth—in modeling the interaction between the economy and the atmosphere. temperature. We knew very little about its value climate change unknown land calling it “terra incognita”, unstable land compared to … Read more

Rising temperature in next few days

In the coming days, the temperature will be kept at a high level, and the thermometer will “touch” them in a number of regions. 40 degrees Celsius. EMY forecast for Monday Generally clear weather. In the afternoon and daytime hours, there is a possibility of increasing temporary cloudiness in the central and northern continental mainly … Read more