Patras: The show “Swap Necklaces” won warm applause from everyone

On the evening of Friday, July 5, the amateur theater group “Crazy and Strays” of Iteon Cultural Association put its “signature” on this year’s section of the Amateur Theater Festival. Charas Karaboula and Andreas Katsaros.

The show consisted of seven sketches satirizing Greek reality, providing plenty of laughs and fun surrounded by music.

Lyrics, adaptation of lyrics (from past reviews and satirical shows), music editing – Karaboula Hara.

Starring: Efi Antonopoulou, Nancy Galani, Mitsos Kalantzis, Karaboula Chara, Andreas Katsaros, Giorgos Katselis, Kokkinogenis Mimi, Katselis Marios, Anna Basilari, Raphaela Basilari, Christina Tsolakou

The play was prefaced by Afina Kallimani-Georgitsopoulou, member of the Municipal Council, member of the Culture Committee, director of the Polyphonic Theater Workshop.

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