Respiratory virus boom? Air conditioning can also cause them

This is supported by an English researcher from the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Bristol, following a significant increase in Covid cases in the UK as well as in Italy.

With scorching and scorching heat For those who can’t get fresh in the mountains or in better climates, which also makes this summer special, the need to feel better physically is automatically Air conditioning. Undoubtedly, I Air conditioning certain a benefit especially for the health of the elderly and infirm. But they are also hiding pitfalls and risks.

Into United KingdomThe Health Security Agency notes, for example, that i Positive Covid tests have increased with peaks ranging from 4% at the end of March to 14% at the end of June, +17% at the 10th of July. Trend found Also in Italy. The Mirror reports that Allen Haddrell, a researcher at the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Bristol, asked a question on the subject. Which, between reasons Resurgence of Sars-CoV-2 infectionsamong other things, he points his finger to the rightAir conditioning.

Virologist Pregliasco: “It is important to guarantee good circulation”

Virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco, Professor of the State University of Milan and Medical Director of the Irccs Galeazzi Hospital – Sant’Ambrogio, responded to the Adnkronos Salute agency on the matter, admitting that there is a potential infectious risk associated with air conditioningAs some preliminary studies in China have highlighted during the coronavirus emergency.

Ma that’s the risk concrete only if the air conditioning system does not guarantee good air exchange. We should mainly pay attention to this aspect. In fact, it is proper air conditioning management that makes the difference.

Air exchange and maintenance they are key. Especially if you have implants industry not regulated properly with good closed cooling use fresh air and reduce air recirculationmay be at greater risk of infection.

The same goes for environments internal: Good ventilationair exchange withopening windowshelps prevent the build-up ofdrops”, as the times of Covid remind us, droplets are possible vectors of viruses.

Pay attention to temperature changes

Pregliasco further emphasizes the need to be very careful with respiratory infections watch out for temperature changes in hot/cold and cold/hot transition. In fact, the body needs careful conditioning to allow for slow and progressive adaptation.

Meanwhile, in Tuscanyin the hospital Bibbiena In the province of Arezzo (fortunately only for one day, the situation also happened in the province of Fratta in Valdichiana), the situation is critical as the thermometers continue to show. Even 30 degrees in sick rooms.

A Trento Instead, the Municipality gave oneorder to regulate the use of air conditioners public institutions. The event will be active until next year September 20 and ensures that energy consumption is limited and CO2 emissions are reduced so that air conditioning systems are maintained throughout the municipality if they are active. all entrance doors are closed facing the outside of commercial establishments, bars, restaurants and buildings with public access, except when necessary for the entry and exit of people, loading/unloading of goods and the like.

It’s about air conditioning

An American study on the subject, coordinated by researchers at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, claims that lack of conditioning can also cause negative consequences in consciousness. This conclusion is supported by the experience conducted in Boston student dormitoriesproperty 2016later reviewed the hottest in the last 2 centuries.

They participated like champions 44 young peoplehealthy people in their 20s were taken into custody within 12 days. 24 of them lived in buildings equipped with air conditioning, while others lived in rooms without air conditioning. The rooms are equipped with temperature, carbon dioxide, humidity and noise detectors.

They asked the students every morningas soon as you wake up to work on your smartphone 2 cognitive tests: Recognize the color of words appearing on the screen and answer basic math questions.

The results of the experiment showed that Young people sleeping in air-conditioned rooms gave more prompt and accurate answers and on the hottest days they were recorded those without conditioning had 13.4% longer reaction times in the first test, and 13.3% lower results in the second test..

Can we do without air conditioning? The weather doesn’t help

When thinking about the heat, the question arises: How do we start August? All of Italy is currently under occupationAfrican anticyclone Charon it brings very high temperatures from the north to the south of the country.

And although the next few hours meteorologists predicted the arrival Showers in the Alps and locally in the Po Valley, especially PiedmontThe rest of the area will be dominated by sun and African warmth, with some localized showers between Lombardy and Emilia as well.

The temperature will be very high peaks of 43°C in inland Sardinia, up to 38°C in Florence, Syracuse and Terni. In Bolzano, the thermometer will reach 37°C, as will Catania, Ferrara, Forli, Grosseto Nuoro and Prato, while Rome will stop at “only” 36°C.

It will start in August other stormsstill largely confined to the Alps Afternoon showers in the plains of Triveneto. But it will Friday 2 day stormy break, It can be associated with intense events in the North and a part of the Center full and strong wind.

However, the oppressive fever will not end. Because, as Lorenzo Tedici, a meteorologist at, explains, we are about to enter a temporary inter-African phase between 2 dominant anticyclonic periods: we will go from scorching, humid and extreme heat to severe thunderstorms and then back to African heat.

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