Rising temperature in next few days

In the coming days, the temperature will be kept at a high level, and the thermometer will “touch” them in a number of regions. 40 degrees Celsius.

EMY forecast for Monday
Generally clear weather. In the afternoon and daytime hours, there is a possibility of increasing temporary cloudiness in the central and northern continental mainly mountainous areas, local rain or showers, and isolated thunderstorms in the north.

The wind will be from the north 3 to 5, and in seas from 6 Beaufort locally.

The temperature will not change significantly. It will reach 35-38 degrees on the mainland, 39 degrees in places, 32-35 degrees in the island country, and 35-37 degrees in places only in the south of Crete.

Forecast for Tuesday
The weather conditions will be mainly clear, with little local cloudiness, it will intensify temporarily in the central and northern continental areas during the day and afternoon, there is a possibility of localized rain or showers in the mountainous areas.

Winds will blow from north directions 4-5, locally 6 in the seas, and 7-Beaufort in the Aegean, weakening tendency will be observed in Ionia starting from the evening hours.

The air temperature will drop slightly mainly in the north. Its maximum value will reach 33-35 degrees in the northern continents, 35-37 degrees in the central and southern continents, and 32-35 degrees in the island country.

Forecast for Wednesday
Mostly clear with a few local clouds. In the central and northern continental regions, mainly in the mountainous areas, the clouds will temporarily intensify during the day and occasionally during the day, local rain or showers will occur, and separate thunderstorms may be observed in the northern mountainous areas.

Winds will continue from 5 to 6 northerlies in the Aegean and locally up to 7 Beaufort, while in Ionia they will blow from the south to 3 to 5 Beaufort.

The temperature will not change significantly.

Forecast for Thursday
Mostly clear with a few local clouds. It is expected that cloudiness will increase in the central and northern regions, mainly in the mountainous areas, and that there will be local rain or showers during the day and during the day, and that there will be isolated thunderstorms in the north, which will weaken towards night.

The wind will blow from the north until 4-6. In Ionia, they will initially blow southerly at 3 to 4 Beaufort, but will gradually turn west to 3 to 5 Beaufort.

The temperature will drop slightly.

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