Shut up…eggs: However, they protect against heart disease and stroke

Boiled, poached, poached, poached… There are several different ways to cook eggs – and many benefits: Scientists analyzed 9 years of data on nearly half a million people in China and found that those who ate an egg a day reduced their risk of heart disease and stroke.

Eggs are an economic resource protein iron and unsaturated fatty acids, however, have been the subject of scientific controversy for years due to increased cholesterol.

According to the New York Times, doctors got a bad name in the 1960s and 1970s when they suspected that high levels of certain lipoproteins (the ones that carry cholesterol in the body) could cause plaque to form (as does too much cholesterol) on the walls of our blood vessels.

THE to learn recently published in a scientific journal Heartdefy the notion that eggs are dangerous for the heart, and in fact, when consumed in moderation* – can be particularly useful.

In addition, Boston University researchers examined data from more than 2,300 adults and found that eating five eggs per week was associated with lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

In addition, egg yolk is a good source of choline, which improves memory and general cognitive function. Choline is a small but important nutrient that plays a key role in building cell membranes and affects a number of vital organ functions.

Delicious egg recipes for every taste

Pizza with egg and arugula: Our favorite homemade pizza in a healthier version.

Scrambled eggs with peanut butter and banana: Have you ever tasted French toast like this before?

Delicious egg muffins: A breakfast option that is “rich” in protein and “poor” in calories.

“Village” omelette: This recipe is the perfect “marriage” of a classic omelette with country salad.

Poached eggs with salmon: These superfood scrambled eggs are a delicious and filling option to start your day off right.

Omelet sandwich with mushrooms: The harmonious layers of an omelet between crunchy vegetables and slices of bread make for a lovely tasty breakfast that gives you energy for the day.

*The American Heart Association recommends one or two whole eggs a day with only the whites as part of a heart-healthy diet. As for those with high cholesterol, it is not forbidden to eat eggs, but in any case, they should be consumed under the guidance of a doctor.

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