How the climate crisis turned into a water crisis

There is a non-trivial “flaw” in the global design, which is a rather Earth-sized “hole” and water and global food demand. This is because production must increase by at least 50% by 2050 to meet global food demand. But even if we leave aside all other problems such as the effect of heat, soil degradation, … Read more

Heat wave: Southern Europe ‘hot’ – urban heat island

Southeast Europe ‘hot’ with high temperatures and waves heat wave continue. During the day, the mercury in the Balkans reaches 40 degrees, which is 7 degrees above average. Nights also remain high, although they bring at least some relief. Especially in densely urbanized areas such as Athens, temperatures reach 30 degrees Celsius at night due … Read more

The price of the climate crisis is unpredictable

William Nordhaus, who would later win the Nobel Prize in Economics, introduced a “damage function”—an estimate of the damage caused by an additional unit of growth—in modeling the interaction between the economy and the atmosphere. temperature. We knew very little about its value climate change unknown land calling it “terra incognita”, unstable land compared to … Read more