The fruit that “shields” our body against summer infections

Grapes are full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and the water they contain helps us stay hydrated.

Besides oranges and grapes, it’s a great source to get vitamin C Our favorite summer fruit is packed with nutrients including antioxidants, vitamin K and potassium.

They’re also full of water, which can help keep you hydrated.

This summer fruit is low in calories and you can get the following benefits by consuming it two to three times a week.

They help your immune system

Since grapes are an excellent source of vitamin C, they can help your immune system fight off bacterial and viral infections.

They prevent cancer

The high antioxidant content of grapes makes them ideal for fighting molecules that can damage cells and cause cancer, reducing oxidative stress.

Grapes also contain an antioxidant called resveratrol, which may protect against cancer by reducing inflammation and preventing the growth of cancer cells. Grapes also contain catechins, quercetin and anthocyanins, other antioxidants that may be powerful anti-cancer compounds.

They reduce blood pressure

Grapes are very low in sodium, making them an ideal fruit to include in a diet plan for people who want to lower blood pressure.

They are also high in potassium, which can help balance blood pressure.

They protect against heart diseases

The resveratrol and potassium in this summer fruit can not only prevent cancer but also protect you from heart disease.

They reduce high cholesterol

Grapes are a great choice if you want to lower your cholesterol.

In one study of people with high cholesterol, those who ate three cups of red grapes a day for eight weeks had lower total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol.

They protect against diabetes

Grapes have a low glycemic index, meaning they won’t raise your blood sugar.

In fact, studies show that nutrients in grapes can lower blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity, which can help your body use glucose.

They improve bone health

Eating grapes can help keep bones strong thanks to vitamin K and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

They slow down aging

Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant, affects cell structure and protects cells by stimulating the SirT1 gene, which is associated with longer life.

They improve sleep

Grapes contain some melatonin. Combined with the fact that they aren’t high in calories, they can help fight your evening cravings and help you fall asleep more easily.

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