The opening hours of the archaeological sites vary due to the heat

According to the information provided by the Ministry of Culture, according to the updated Emergency Weather Bulletin (EDEK) issued by the National Meteorological Service (EMS) today, due to the prevailing high temperature in a large part of the country and regions, in the context of measures to protect against the risks arising from the manifestation of these events, the competent Ephorates of Antiques has already informed the local media, tourism agents and the public about the opening hours of the archaeological sites.

Delphi, Olympia, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Knossos, Dodoni as well as PE Korinthia, Aitoloakarnania, Prefecture of Corfu as well as PE Magnesia and Trikala.

Archaeological sites in Crete PE, Dodecanese PE, Cyclades Peloponnese and Attica, including the archaeological sites of the Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Athens, will remain closed from noon to 5 pm.

The public is requested to contact the relevant Antiquities Ephorates.

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