Inside Upipa Board of Directors the delegations that will characterize the mandate for the next three years have been distributed. As it is known, he leads the presidency Michela Chiogna, also president of the Trento Civica APSP, he explains: “The first two months of the new Board of Directors were immediately difficult with the appointment of delegations and the distribution of priorities. Council members have already started their work, each of them paying special attention to their area. We look forward to being able to discuss it with Provincial Councilor Tonina, as the most important topics have been identified so far and, in most cases, already shared during the field visits organized in recent months (then collected in a summary document). ). Now is the time, to use a fashionable expression, to “ground” the development lines of the help service.
The deputy chairman left the meeting Laura Flower (President of APSP “Santa Maria” of Val di Non and Sole, Cles); also gave him the approval of the delegation in the previous mandate connection with territories and for periodic visits organized accordingly.
Paolo Mattei (Alto Garda and Ledro, President of the APSP “Fondazione Comunità di Arco”) follows the “benchmarking” or identification and analysis of good practices implemented in different APSPs by evaluating economic and performance indicators. Daniela Scalet (Primiero and Tesino, President of APSP “San Giuseppe” of Primiero) innovation and research. Emanuele Deanesi (Valsugana, President of APSP “San Lorenzo e Santa Maria della Misericordia” Borgo) Relations with Upipa’s internal staff.
Alberto Giovannini (President of Rotaliana, Fiemme and Fassa, APSP “Giovanni Endrizzi” Lavis) relations with family associations and organization of deep moments dedicated to representatives of guests. Daniela Roner (Vallagarina, APSP “Clementino Vannetti” president of Rovereto) will develop more social aspects. Marisa Dubini (Apsp Giacomo Cis di Ledro) and with the social commission operating in Upipa. Antonio Giacomelli (President of Trento and Valle dei Laghi, Trento APSP “Beato De Tschiderer”): he is responsible for legal evaluations and tasks for the revision of the statute. Martino Pellizzari (Giudicarie, President of the APSP “Giudicarle Esteriori” of Santa Croce di Bleggio) will focus on aspects related to training: one of the most important chapters of Upipa’s activity; is also responsible for a new dual training project that includes part of the OSS training within nursing homes.