Weight: Fiber can help you lose weight

Although science offers us the simplest solutions to maintain the healthiest version of ourselves, there are many people who turn to special diet or exercise programs, expensive products and sometimes dangerous preparations for the sake of a good figure. But what if the key to shedding extra pounds was on your… plate?

Researchers at the University of Arizona have shed light on a natural alternative that may help with weight loss, beta-glucan, a type of fiber found naturally in oats and barley. Their research on experimental animals was published in the Journal of Nutrition states that eating foods rich in β-glucan can help reduce body weight and improve glucose control.

Fiber and extra pounds

As obesity rates continue to rise worldwide, the search for effective methods of weight management has intensified. Drugs containing semaglutide are promising but expensive and are mainly prescribed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Frank Duca, an associate professor at the University of Arizona and the study’s lead researcher, wanted to examine the effects of different types of dietary fiber on weight loss and metabolic health.

His team’s findings highlight that not all fiber has the same weight-loss benefits. The study focused on how different plant fibers interacted the gut microbiome, the trillions of microorganisms that live in our digestive system and play an important role in our health Total. Among the five types of fiber tested (pectin, β-glucan, wheat dextrin, resistant starch and cellulose), β-glucan stood out.

According to the researchers, experimental animals that ate a high-fat diet and received beta-glucan supplements showed a significant reduction in weight gain and body fat compared to those that ate the same diet without the supplements. Animals treated with beta-glucan also improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, critical factors for metabolic health.

In addition, beta-glucan appeared to increase energy expenditure in experimental animals, helping them practically burn more calories, the researchers note. In addition to slightly increasing their metabolism, the experimental animals were more active, that is, they moved more.

Can beta-glucan help you in the future?

Current scientific research paves the way for the development of targeted nutritional interventions to combat obesity and related metabolic disorders. Although more research is needed, especially in humans, this study reminds us the importance of fiber in the diet and highlights the need for a better understanding of the different types of fiber and their effects.

As the researchers point out, we shouldn’t just eat more fiber, we should aim to eat more fiber choosing the types that best suit each organization’s needs. For successful weight loss, seek the help of a professional nutritionist – a nutritionist – who will help you create a diet plan that meets your needs and goals.

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