What to eat on vacation

In the morning

It is very important not to skip the first meal of the day. It didn’t mean we were going to raise the alarm to eat our breakfast, just that we had to eat it within the next hour when we got up.

This meal can be a small snack, for example, a piece of fruit with nuts. But it would be better to have a more complete meal than a combination of protein, carbohydrates and something fresh, such as fruits or vegetables.

Best breakfast ideas:

  • Eggs baked with vegetables
  • Omelet with bread and cherry tomatoes
  • Eggs boiled with walnuts, cheese and juice
  • Milk with cereal and fruit
  • Tahini honey or yogurt with nuts and fruit

On the beach

We usually go to the sea after having our first meal.

At this point in the day, we need good organization. Since it is extremely hot, it would be good to shape our snacks accordingly. We choose not to take cheese, yogurt and eggs with us as they are perishable foods. But if we find them in the store, we can order them as light meals of the day.

What we can bring with us:

  • Seasonal fruits such as apricots, nectarines, peaches and cherries cool us down, while curbing our hunger until the moment of the main meal.
  • If we want, we accompany our fruit with some nuts, which should also be salted.

Attention: If we know in advance that we will be staying at the beach for a long time, it would be good to take two portions of snacks with us and consume them 2-3 hours apart.


When it’s time for the main course, we start with a salad, or if it’s too much, we order ours too. We also pay special attention to the dressings and their fat content. We avoid the classic pattern of everyone eating “in moderation” because there is no control over the amount we consume. Finally, we make our plate so that what we eat is limited by its frame.

When we build our plate we make sure:

  • It should be a source of protein, a source of starch and fresh, i.e. salad.
  • The protein source should be meat, fish or seafood, but not fried.
  • Starchy foods, that is, bread, rice, pasta and potatoes should not be more than 1/3 of our plate.


Our next meal should be lighter than the main meal. It can be equal to breakfast.

Ideally, the main should be a salad, and tuna, eggs, salmon, cheeses, etc. must contain some kind of protein.

On the journey

When traveling, whether by boat or car, we could mix a bag of cranberries and raisins with us. In this way, we will control our hunger and not succumb to the quick and unhealthy choice.

Watch out for alcohol calories

Summer vacations are also combined with alcohol consumption. Drinks and cocktails are calories that most of us overlook. A seemingly simple drink can reach 150-200 calories, while a cocktail ranges from 300 to 500. Therefore, we should be careful with the amount we drink. In addition, drinking alcohol makes us feel hungry faster and dehydrates us at the same time. That’s why we prefer soft drinks and non-juice drinks – ideally wine or beer – and avoid cocktails.

Either way, even if the above doesn’t go our way, we’ll be back to normal after the holidays and our goal will be to get back into good eating habits as soon as possible.

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